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The 13th OUSADIA 2020 CONTEST was promoted by the Brazilian Concrete Institute (IBRACON) at the 62nd Brazilian Concrete Congress (CBC), held between September 1st and 4th, 2020 in a virtual manner. To participate in the competition, participants had to prepare the basic structural design of a concrete work and develop the preliminary planning for its construction, with the objective of presenting the most daring solution for this challenge, according to pre-defined criteria.

A team formed by LabStrategy students in partnership with the Mack Concreto Academic League developed the following work and reached fifth place in the contest.

PRANCHA GERAL 1 copiar.jpg
PRANCHA 02 copiar.jpg
PRANCHA 03 FINAL copiar.jpg

Downloadable boards:

BRASIL_Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.png
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