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Design strategies for the formulation of temporal scenarios, a method applied to archaeological territories in Latin America. The cases include: Governor's Island in Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, the City of Arica and Parinacota region in Chile, the City of Cachipay, La Mesa, and Anapoima in Colombia, the Copan Ruins in Honduras, the Iximché Ruins in Guatemala, and Uxmal and Xkalupocoh / Nohpat in the Puuc region of the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.
The research presents itself as a possibility for archaeological zones, exploring their spatial and territorial relationships, and their influences on macro and micro geography, being led towards improvement through their historical monumentality and impacts on adjoining areas. This enables the fostering of strategies that promote the "Sustainable Development Goals," facilitating new characteristics in territorial approach processes through the emergence of new models of spaces and infrastructures.
The selection of this theme is based on the historical importance and the influence of archaeological territories in Latin America, the geographical impacts, and their relationship between coastal areas, settlements, human settlements, and villages which lack interconnections. Despite being characterized as historical poles, they do not show economic or social development and are plagued by various problems throughout the 20th century.
The model allows for the expansion of capabilities in professional training and understanding, spatial comprehension, and morphological readings of archaeological zones through strategic planning, as potentials for the development of qualified human appropriations in their immediate surroundings and the formulation of territorial indicators present in historical sectors. The focus is established in areas where the archaeological and geographical relationship presents spatial qualities regarding the so-called built spaces that currently relate in areas with potential for regional development.
The research aims to apply strategies that enable the development of future project scenarios for territorial development, whose studies allow spatial and urban approaches of archaeological territories in Latin America. It promotes and fosters articulated networks between territorial characteristics present at the boundaries of archaeological territories, alongside geographies, new forms of urban appropriation, and support in the macro and microterritory through the application of methodological tools supported by spatial restructuring. This expands the capacity in edge zones through strategies that foster territorial improvement, formulating prospective and temporal scenarios of local development.
aos denominados espaços construídos que se relacionam na atualidade em áreas potenciais para desenvolvimento regional. A pesquisa tem como objetivo aplicar

estratégias que possibilitem desenvolver cenários projetuais futuros de desenvolvimento territorial, cujos estudos possibilitam abordagens espaciais e urbanas dos territórios arqueológicos na América Latina. Promovendo e fomentando redes articuladas entre características territoriais presentes nos limites dos territórios arqueológicos, junto a geografias, a novas formas de apropriação urbana e suporte no macro e microterritório por meio da aplicação de ferramentas metodológicas apoiadas na reestruturação espacial. Ampliando a capacidade nas zonas de borda por meio de estratégias que fomentem a melhoria territorial, formulando cenários prospectivos e temporais de desenvolvimento local.
JUNHO 2024
JULHO 2024