Carlos Andrés
Hernández Arriagada

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie 2012
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie 2004
The research project deals with the productive restructuring in the port area of the city of Santos, evaluating, throughout the investigated area, indicators of territorial urban development, agents acting in the territory and the bankruptcy of areas that impacted sectors that could have induced the expansion of the so-called Hinterland , present in the support of industrial areas, in their respective urban areas. The choice is based on the importance of the industrial zones that permeate the interconnections with the port zones which, throughout the 20th century, suffered economic decline, generating bankruptcy in railway regions acting as drivers of the port stock zones. In both structures, both in Hinterland (defined as the structural zone of the city/port) and along its connecting areas, aspects of degradation amidst the urbanized territories along the edges have caused impacts in areas characterized by high potential density, of employability and for giving rise to low indicators of urban development.
The territory evaluated by its specific characteristics of productivity, geography and scale behaves in an autonomous and independent way. The Port of Santos is considered the second largest port in Latin America in terms of flow and territorial coverage, behind the productive scale of the Panama Canal with Ports Colón, Cristóbal and Manzanillo in the Caribbean Region. The research aims to apply strategies that enable the development of future project scenarios for the development of hinterland zones, established by the degraded railway structure that cuts through the city of São Paulo, using urban areas interconnected by the railway and that suffered deterioration processes by the productive bankruptcy and/or changes in their industrial production that characterized them. Also, promote territorial improvement actions to generate methodological tools supported by the restructuring and promotion of new economic cycles for the development of these industrial sectors that act as implementers to generate new characteristics to the current Hinterlândias, in order to expand production and distribution capacities arising from these sectors and destined to Hub-Portuaries. The work allows for the establishment of Economic, Governmental, Sustainability and Urbanity strategies, establishing applicability over pre-established times to delineate a permissive articulated urban network of new sustainable territorial solutions supported by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By understanding economic processes as the inducing element of serial transformations, it is possible, throughout the investigation, to promote the recovery of the port edge and activate intelligent and dynamic territories that encourage rearrangements of urbanized areas, employability and competitiveness through territorial hubs.
The hinterland as a territorial promoter of changing areas arising from the deindustrialization process.
The research project deals with productive restructuring in urban areas located in Brazil and Chile, evaluating indicators of urban development, agents acting in the territory, and the bankruptcy of areas that impacted sectors that could have induced the expansion of the so-called Hinterland, present in the support of industrial areas, in their respective port sectors.
The choice is based on the importance of industrial zones, which throughout the 20th century suffered economic decline, generating bankruptcy in railway regions that acted as drivers of port stock zones, in both structures, both in Hinterland and throughout its areas connectives, aspects of degradation amidst the urbanized territories that border them, causing impacts in areas with high potential for density, employability and originating low urban development syndicates.
The territories evaluated due to the specific characteristics of productivity, geography and scale, which behave autonomously and independently, are the ports of Santos/Brazil and San Antônio/Chile. Santos as the 2nd largest port in Latin America due to the current scenario of the Panama Canal and San Antônio, being responsible for 30% of the production flow and with high rates of possibility of growth to become the most important on the South Pacific coast .
The research aims to apply strategies that enable the development of future project scenarios for the development of hinterland zones that use urban areas interconnected by the railway and that have suffered deterioration processes due to their production failure and/or changes in their industrial production that characterized them. Territorial improvement actions are being applied to generate methodological tools supported by the restructuring and promotion of new economic cycles for the redevelopment of these industrial sectors, which act as implementers for the possibility of generating new characteristics in the current Hinterlândias, expanding the resulting production and distribution capacities of these sectors to generate new characteristics for the Hub-Ports.




Urbansus - The Latin American Port Development:
Chilean Ports Cases
Date: 11/17/2020 and 11/18/2020
Organization: USP - Global Cities and Urbansus - Urban Sustainability
"The Seminar “Latin American Port Development: Cases of Chilean Ports”, conceived within the scope of the Project “Latin American Metropolises: sustainable instruments for territorial development in the face of bad weather” by the USP Global Cities Synthesis Center, aims to address territoriality in the generation of organizational policies in Chilean port zones and their relations with the respective cities, in order to gather subsidies for reflection on the organization of Brazilian ports and their impacts on port cities."
Panel I - City and Porto Development Process
1. Characteristics of Chilean Maritime Cities - Voltaire Alvarado Peterson (Department of Geography - UC Chile)
2. Aspects of the Port Area of Valparaíso and San Antonio - Alberto Texido Zlatar (FAU - U-Chile)
3. Bío Bío Coastal Edge Recovery Plan. 10 Years After 27f - Sergio Baeriswyl (Facultad de Arquitectura Construcción y Diseño - UBB)
Arlindo Philippi Jr. (FSP and IEA/USP)
Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada (MACKENZIE, FAU and IEA/USP)
Tatiana Tucunduva P. Cortese (UNINOVE, IEA/USP).
Glaucia Cristina Garcia dos Santos (FAU/USP)
1. Metropolitan Territorial Planning, Challenges and Conflicts of Port Logistics and Urban Mobility - Claudia Garcia-Lima (FAUG, University of Concepción)
2. Dialogue Tables as Models of Territorial Agents - Maria Veronica Alarcon (University of Conception)
3. Port System and Territorial Relations - Jorge Beyer Barrientos (Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción)
4. International Relations Models and Export Corridors - Carlos Sanhueza Sanchez (University of Conception)
Arlindo Philippi Jr. (FSP and IEA/USP)
Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada (MACKENZIE, FAU and IEA/USP)
Tatiana Tucunduva P. Cortese (UNINOVE, IEA/USP).
Glaucia Cristina Garcia dos Santos (FAU/USP)
Panel II - Active Agents in the Physical-Geographic Structuring of Territories