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[Andalién territorial activation network]
Chilean Government Contest
The ideas contest arose from a partnership between the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of the Government of Chile and the EULA-CHILE Environmental Science Center, with the objective of receiving urban proposals that reflect the necessary dialogue between natural systems and the city, with focus on the Andalién river. The river restoration approach (geomorphological) will be used to revive a river and from there understand its natural system to make the design adapted to that system. It is about challenging the traditional way of doing urban design and re-emphasizing the relationship between design and the Andalién river.

Date: 06/07/19 (registration) on 12/05/19 (delivery)
Organization: Conception. Inhabiting the Limit. River restoration of the Andalién river
Event: Call of Ideas Rio Andalién - River Restoration and Urban Design
Downloadable boards:
CITATION: HERNÁNDEZ ARRIAGADA, CA, et al. Concepcion. Inhabiting the Límite. River restoration of the Andalién river 2019.
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