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Summary: This subject aims to explain the organization of maritime markets, addressing the logistical processes, answering questions about the practice of how the distribution of goods works and its impacts on the urban fabrics on the edge that establish the Porto-City relationship. Such questions deal with the choice of marketing by sea, its structural and territorial organization, freight costs and management mechanisms on the part of the distribution scale and the importance of "Hinterland" as a generator of territorial development, tariffs and production scales of inputs and the establishment of strategic zones that are based on the dynamic economic cycles operating at port scales.
Objectives: Understand the advances of the Economy from the maritime economic cycles and its importance in the City-Port relationship, evaluating the impacts of the current Infrastructures that make up the “Hinterland”, both in the current Global context and in the Latin American storage scale. It will address the macro scale of production of ports such as San Antônio and Valparaíso on the Chilean coast and their relationship with the geography of the Pacific Ocean in contrast to the Ports of Santos and its "Hub" scale, and that of Maranhão with the Chinese economic model, having as counterpoint the modernization and global dynamics of the Panama Canal. The aim is to base students on the economic understanding existing in the City-Porto Relation through specific cases, instrumenting the knowledge of applied macroeconomics, considering the current logics of maritime production and its importance in the current global geography. The student will unfold on specific texts and will receive lectures directed to the topics covered, some in Spanish through Video Conference. The support texts will be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, due to being specific literature.
Class 1 – Business Cycles - Approach to business cycles from 1741 onwards;
Class 2 – Global Aspects of Maritime Transport – Commercial routes and strategic distribution hubs;
Class 3 – Global Port Scales and Latin American Production – Approach to storage areas and current legislation;
Class 4 – Case Studies – Approach to the Cases of the Ports of the Pacific Coast and their contrasts with the productive structure with the Ports of the Atlantic;
Class 5 – Fleets and Transport – Aspects of vessel development in light of current sustainability demands;
Class 6 – Distribution and Infrastructure Logistics – “Hinterland” Operating Costs and Systems;
Class 7 – Design Processes – Methodological Systemic Processes and Solutions.
Class 8 – Production Microscales – Cases of microscale, production facing government demand, the case of “Caleta de Tumbes”, Ciudad de Concepción – Chile.
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