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The first Forum of Port Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean (FCP LAC 2021) chose Grand Santo Domingo as its headquarters, as it represents the continent's first formal port settlement, as well as its port potential.
FCP LAC's core activities are the multi-sector discussion of the Port Authorities, the scientific and professional production of specialists, as well as proposals for strategic lines of development and sustainable principles in geoeconomics facing the challenges of Latin American and Caribbean port cities to delineate new and modern concepts in search of greater efficiency and competitiveness in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The event took place between October 27th and 30th, 2021 and featured a workshop in partnership with LabStrategy between October 22nd and 29th, which can be seen here .
Check out the full schedule above
"Localities and regions located in the maritime and river environments of Latin America and the Caribbean offer natural conditions, particularly favorable, for the recognition of productive structures within public policies and regional development with sustainable characteristics, which promote logistical, commercial and sociocultural communities that focus on them: in many cases, this occurs when these regions start to gain competitive advantages in the face of growing demand from a more interconnected world."
Interview for the program El pode de la tarde
El nuevo diario - "UASD Dean receives “Foro de Ciudades Portuarias 2021', from Brazil" delegation - Access
ElJacaguero - "Highlights of the work of HIT Puerto Río Haina at the 'Foro de Ciudades Portuarias de América Latina y el Caribe'" - Access
Hoy - " Highlights of the work of HIT Puerto Río Haina at the ' Foro de Ciudades Portuarias de América Latina y el Caribe'" - Access
Date: October 22-29, 2021
Location: Dominican Republic

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